• Shinil Pharm Glass food containers

    Custom manufacturing realizes your food container as a desired shape.

  • Shinil Pharm Glass contact lens containers

    Safety of the contact lens is ensured and clean container is made.

  • Medical container manufacturing

    Medical container manufacturing ensures stability..

  • Technical personnel

    Technical personnel specializing in food and contact lens container area ensure expertise.

  • High reliability

    Based on pharmaceutical container manufacturing technology, we produce highly reliable containers.

  • Silk screen printing

    Excellent printing quality with silk screen printing, various colors printing available.


Food containers,
Contact Lens containers

Shinil Pharm Glass Co., Ltd. produces food and contact lens containers based on the production technology of pharmaceutical ampoules and vials for over 35 years. We have technical personnel specializing in food and contact lens containers, providing good quality service.


Custom manufacturing realizes your container as a desired shape.

high reliability

Highly reliable containers are produced in the same system as for medical containers.

Diferentiated containers

Containers are made based on cleanliness such as medicine containers. So we ensure the stability of food and container contents.

Differentiated food liquid containers are developed and produced based on Shinil Pharm Glass Co., Ltd.¡¯s solid container manufacturing technology. Various sized high quality contact lens containers can be made at a reasonable price. .

As being produced in the medical container manufacturing system, cleanliness and stability of food containers are ensured. To store contact lens worn on eyes, clean contact lens containers only are produced through strict hygiene management. p>

We ensure the quality and unit price meeting customer satisfaction, producing food containers preventing water or liquid leaks. Based on the medical container manufacturing technology, our technical personnel produce clean contact lens containers.


Food containers for diverse purposes can be made. Container quality is guaranteed to prevent water or liquid leaks.


Various sized containers can be made. Customer satisfaction about container volumes and sealing is ensured.


High quality, excellent contact lens containers are produced through strict hygiene management and careful inspection.


With medical container manufacturing technology we make clean containers for safe storage.


According to customer demand, various colored, clear and very clean silk screen printing is possible.


Differentiated food liquid containers are produced based on Shinil Pharm Glass Co., Ltd.¡¯s solid container manufacturing technology.